
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where the hell have I been?

Where the hell have I been you have been asking...
Here is the answer.

I have been nursing 3 lovely little ladies back to health from the Chicken Pox.
I have been finishing my crazy upholstery class.
I have been digging my way out of way to much "stuff". (Not the good kinda stuff - the bad kind)
Craigs listing that stuff.
Turning the garage into my workshop.
Remodeling our office into my youngest daughters room.
Making life altering decisions with my husband.  (Good life altering - not bad)
Planning a 2 year old birthday party.
Sending my oldest two to go camping with their school.
Driving to dance classes and piano classes.
Helping rehearse the middle one for her school play.
Going to Target.
Deciding if our dog should have surgery or not.
Sewing as often as I can in between all of these things.
Grocery shopping and cooking, and cooking, and cooking.
Then doing the dishes, dishes, dishes.
Setting up a photo shoot with fabulous friend photographer. (Maggie the stool is modeling now!)
Shopping at garage sales.
Picking up Sampson's poop. (Sampson is my dog)
Spent 1 day at the spa for Mothers Day. (I love my family!)
Painting chairs.
Buying fabric.
Getting the family passport photos and passports.
Helping with homework.
Making Sonia the bench for my sisters birthday. (photos will follow)
Moving furniture around the house and then moving it back.
Getting my haircut again after saying I was growing it out.
Changing diapers.
Planning summer trips.
Kissing my husbands lips.
And laughing my ass off the whole time.
All is well and I will be up and running soon.